LogConv v2.17


December 12, 2018

LogConv is a utility that converts Amateur Radio log files to and from a variety of log formats. It can be used to ready log data for submission to contest organizers and logging programs that do not support data import of the original log's format.


LogConv v2.1x will run under any version of Windows that supports the .Net 3.5 runtime or later. Presently, this includes Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10. The .Net runtime is not included with LogConv. Most modern versions of Windows will already have this installed, but it can be downloaded for free directly from Microsoft if not:


     Download .Net v3.5 Runtime


To unpack the files, copy the files from the LogConv.zip file to a directory on your machine. Then execute the following command:


After installation of LogConv, the files used to install it can be removed since LogConv is stored on your machine elsewhere.

Installing LogConv will result in the following files being copied to your PC:

Enabling LogConv

LogConv is installed without a software license and operates in "demo" mode until a valid software license is installed. In demo mode, LogConv will only convert the first 10 QSO's from a given input file.

To enable LogConv to convert logs containing more than 10 QSO's, you may purchase a license key at http://www.logconv.com. Follow the instructions to obtain the license key. Copy it to the Windows clip board (<Ctrl+C>) and then perform the following steps to fully enable LogConv:

After applying the license key you should see your callsign on the title bar of the GUI indicating that the software has been licensed for your use.

Running LogConv

LogConv comes in two formats, one to run on the command line and the other via a GUI. The GUI version can be started by navigating through the Start Menu to "Start->Programs->KA5WSS Software->LogConv". The LogConv install also places a shortcut to the GUI utility on your desktop.

The command-line version is called clogconv.exe and is available in the directory to which you installed LogConv, which by default is "c:\Program Files\KA5WSS Software\LogConv". From within a command prompt or "DOS" box run clogconv.exe with any of the parameters listed below to operate on the command line only. The command line mode is useful for running conversions as part of a batch script. 64-bit Windows installations may find LogConv installed instead under "C:\Program Files (x86)\KA5WSS Software\LogConv".

The command-line usage for LogConv is:

    clogconv.exe [infile] [outfile] [options]

Where [infile] is the original log file that needs to be converted and [outfile] is the new file that will be created with the contents of the converted qsos. LogConv will return an error if [outfile] already exists. [Options] can include one or more of the following settings, separated by spaces with a dash ('-') or forward slash ('/') prefixing the option:

In the LogConv GUI, ADIF options will only be enabled when an ADIF file is specified as the input or output file as applicable.

LogConv automatically determines the contest of the input file and sets the contest type of the output file to be the same (unless the "-c" option is used to override this value). LogConv automatically determines the format of the input and output files based on the files' extension. The supported file extensions include:

For a complete list of supported file formats and contests please refer to the support matrix (link will work only after installation).

ADIF File support

LogConv supports ADIF files for input and output. Realize that the level of support for ADIF varies immensely from product to product. It is not uncommon for some programs to use completely non-standard ADIF field designators in their files, which explains some of the errors that you might encounter.

For more information on ADIF support issues please refer to the AdifCompatibility.htm file that was installed along with LogConv (link will work only after installation).

Uninstalling LogConv

To uninstall LogConv bring up the "Add/Remove Programs" utility by navigating through "Start->Settings->Control Panel" and then double clicking on "Add/Remove Programs". Click on the "LogConv" entry and press the "Remove" button.


The latest version of LogConv is always available on the LogConv homepage: http://www.logconv.com

73 de Robert Barron, KA5WSS
P.O. Box 2111
Sonoma, CA 95476
email: ka5wss AT ka5wss.com

Release Notes

Version 2.20: x/x/2022

Version 2.17: 12/12/2018

Version 2.16: 8/16/2012

Version 2.15: 1/17/2012

Version 2.14: 8/3/2011

Version 2.13: 6/19/2011

Version 2.12: 5/15/2011

Version 2.11: 1/9/2010

Version 2.10: 3/26/2006

Version 2.03: 7/23/2005

Version 2.02: 2/16/2005

Version 2.01: 11/14/2004

Version 2.0: 8/9/2004